
Atom Valley will be a centre for low carbon activity that supports Greater Manchester’s 2038 net zero ambitions.

Creating a cleaner future

Supporting carbon neutrality

This is our chance to build a sustainable economy for the city region, the North West and the rest of the UK. It’s a unique opportunity to decarbonise through new products, green technologies, and the growth of groundbreaking industries and cleaner sectors.

Supporting carbon neutrality

Linking research and innovation

Not only does the area provide ample development land for modern methods of construction, it provides the perfect opportunity to link this initiative with innovation and research centres such as the Advanced Machinery and Productivity Institute (AMPI) and the Sustainable Materials Translational Research Centre (SMTRC).

Linking research and innovation

Joint partnerships between universities and the private sector make this the ideal location to nurture a sustainably-focussed advanced materials manufacturing cluster.

Delivering net zero housing Delivering net zero housing

Delivering net zero housing

A whole systems approach

Key to becoming a carbon neutral city by 2038, Atom Valley will play a part in delivering Greater Manchester’s net zero housing plan. A whole system approach to building new housing and retrofitting existing stock will be supported by modern construction methods and joint partnerships.

Supporting net zero

Atom Valley is a chance to build a sustainable economy for the city region, meeting Manchester’s ambitions to be carbon neutral by 2038 while playing a part in delivering the net zero housing plan.

Paving the way

This is the ideal location to develop new products, green technologies and an advanced materials manufacturing cluster that delivers a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Joint partnerships

Alongside innovation centres such as AMPI and SMTRC, joint partnerships between universities and the private sector provide an opportunity to commercialise research.
